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Tail Docking and Amputation in Dogs

Tail Docking and Amputation in Dogs To download and print this information, please click here. Tail docking are among those special surgeries commonly performed on certain breeds to achieve that picture-perfect

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Stenotic Nares (Narrow Nostrils) in Dogs

Stenotic Nares (Narrow Nostrils) in Dogs To download and print this information, please click here. Stenotic nares (pinched nostrils) is a common abnormality found most commonly in brachycephalic dogs, which

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Hernia Repair Surgery for Cats

Hernia Repair Surgery for Cats To download and print this information, please click here. Hernia – Diaphragmatic in Cats What is a diaphragmatic hernia? The diaphragm is the muscular partition

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Splenic (Spleen) Mass Removals

Splenic (Spleen) Mass Removals To download and print this information, please click here. Splenic Tumors What is the spleen? The spleen is an abdominal organ located near the stomach. The

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Hematoma of the Ear in Cats

Hematoma of the Ear in Cats To download and print this information, please click here. An aural hematoma is a collection of blood, either fresh or clotted, within the pinna (ear flap). When a

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Splenectomy To download and print this information, please click here. Splenic Tumors What is the spleen? The spleen is an abdominal organ located near the stomach. The spleen contains two

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GIT Resection & Anastomosis

GIT Resection & Anastomosis To download and print this information, please click here. Gastrointestinal resection and anastomosis Gastrointestinal resection and anastomosis is indicated whenever there is a significant problem with

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Spaying in Cat

Spaying in Cat To download and print this information, please click here. Ovariohysterectomy in Cats What is meant by ovariohysterectomy or spaying? Spaying is the common term used to describe the

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